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Structural Depth Topic

The proposed thesis will include both non-composite steel and composite steel systems to be evaluated as the alternate. Structural depth, allowable bay size, architectural restrictions, and cost are a few of the areas that will be evaluated to determine the best system for the redesign moving forward. Additionally, a comparison will be done between using a braced frame for the lateral force resisting system compared to keeping the existing concrete shear wall approach. Through talking with some faculty, a reinforced concrete shear wall seems to be the more likely option for a building of this height, but the process of comparing the two systems will provide valuable insight as to why this is. Due to strict height restrictions, it is unlikely an alternate system will be cheaper or more efficient, but a significant amount of knowledge and design experience will be gained in the process.


Building Enclosures Breadth Topic


The proposed building enclosure redesign would be an all-encompassing topic for the two required breadth areas. New types of glazing will be selected, specifically focusing on energy efficiency and also blast resistance on the first few stories. For energy efficiency, research will be conducted exploring thicker panels, different coatings on the panels, and different gasses between panel layers. Not only will this impact energy efficiency, it will impact structural weight, cost, and flow of daylight into the building, which will be studied further through a daylighting analysis. For blast resistance/protective design, research will be conducted to choose a type of glass that is both shatter resistant for impact loading and also improves energy efficiency.

MAE Requirements

To fulfill MAE requirements, information from the graduate computer modeling of building structures course, AE 530, will be used to evaluate the new gravity and lateral systems of the new design. Additionally, methods from AE 542: Building Enclosure Science and Design will be used to evaluate the new curtain wall system along with knowledge about analysis software such as WINDOW and THERM to be used in the building enclosures breadth.

News Feed

  • Thank you letter sent to Owner

    • 8/30/2018​

  • Project Initiation Checklist Pt. 1

    • 8/20/2018​

  • Updated Master List 

    • 7/24/2018​

  • Owner Permission Received

    • 7/24/2018​

Senior Thesis Main Page

Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Jordan O'Donnell. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

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